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Emmett Till represents every young person that died before their time at the hands of injustice.It represents every mother that had to cry, every brother that took a deep sigh, every preacher that questioned why, every best friend with tears in their eyes. All of them were powerless to do something then.

But we have the power to do something now!


Someone once said, " Not standing up for yourself makes you a victim, not standing up for someone else makes you an accomplice."


Join us as agents of change as we work toward making the day, he died 08/28/55 a national holiday of remembrance to honor African American that lost their lives to injustice. This day would promote the value of mentorship, the importance of community, and the responsibility we all play in standing against racism and injustice.

Justice on Trial the Movie written by Chad Lawson Cooper inspired and challenged me to take a look at injustice from the eyes of those who were treated unjustly and ask the question what would you do if it were your brother, sister, cousin, or best friend? I answered my own question and decided now is the time to stand


I challenge you to stand with me! Do not be an accomplice, be an agent for change.

Let’s make Emmett Till Day a national holiday!


Paul Gourdine 

Coming Soon 

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